City of Golden Cemetery - New
The Golden Cemetery Viewer provides burial information for the City of Golden Cemetery in Golden, Colorado to the public. To locate an individual, simply click on the map or use the search tool. More information can be found on the Help page.
BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GOLDEN, COLORADO: Section .1. The City Council determines that certification by the City Manager shows there is available in Contingency a sum in excess of $2,000. Section 2. Since the adoption of the 1983 budget, Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to provide
City of Golden
Menu. Live. Community Calendar. Calendar Event Submission; Golden History. Golden History Museums; Recreation & Attractions. Bicycling in Golden; City Parks; Clear Creek RV Park
WHEREAS, the City of Golden City Council last established a schedule for the acceptance of fmancial contributions by Resolution 1651 in 2006; and ... THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GOLDEN, COLORADO: Section 1. Resolution No. 1651, adopted February 9, 2006 is hereby repealed in its entirety, effective January 29, 2010.
I,Susan M.Brooks, CityClerkofthe City ofGolden, Colorado,dohereby certify thatthe foregoing is a true copy of a certain Resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Golden, Colorado at a rescheduled regular business meeting thereofheld on the 13th day of December, A.D. 2012. oF coN, s' .'' Z' A'TT'EST: I 0.. 414 it Y
WHEREAS, the Colorado Department of Transportation is the owner of real property in Golden, Colorado, located on the north side of US 40 at I-70 and known as IM 0703-273 Parcel 103X, the" Property"); and
Resolution No. 217, Continued. Page Three I City I, Colorado, a certain of Golden F Sharon L. Bennett5, City Clerk of the City of Golden, do hereby certify that Lhe foregoing is a true copy of Resolution adopted by the City C~ uncil of the City at a regular meeting thereof held on the 10th day of A. D., 1983. Attest: ~\&-r\k~ lA.l~tl:IASharon L. Be netts, City Clerk of the Cit)' of Golden ...
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traditionally by
WHEREAS, the City of Golden recognizes that there are numerous proposals for Constitutional, sensible, and pragmatic actions to reduce gun violence, but as a local government in the State of Colorado it may not enact ordinances relating to the sale or purchase of firearms and is limited in
Golden have been planning for a regional drainage project known as the Fairmount Area Outfall Project for many years; and WHEREAS, the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District and Jefferson County, as primary
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