For the past four Saturdays, scores of people have been holding up signs and protesting the actions of the Donald Trump administration.
Kristen’s Kitchen at Battle Island will provide the first Salvation Army Guest Chef Dinner this year on April 8 from 4:30-6 p ...
Rail cars of granite blocks will arrive soon to resume the west breakwall repair and reconstruction project that ran from ...
Staff members of the Oswego County Office for the Aging (OFA) and NY Connects will visit several communities around the county throughout April to offer program information ...
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oswego County is accepting registrations into its Shooting Sports Archery Program.
A police officer burst into the popcorn-scented movie theater lobby with his pistol drawn and darted past a wounded woman on ...
ALBANY — The mayors of Oswego and Fulton say they support a budget plan put forward by the state legislature. The legislature ...
The Parsons’ ship chandlery was an Oswego institution. For a few years after Parsons died, this “museum” was carried on by ...
President of the Kiwanis Club of Fulton Jim Schreck (right) is pictured with Dilyn Caza (middle) and her mother, Dede Caza ...
Three Oswego State hockey players were recognized as CCM Hockey/American Hockey Coaches Association All-Americans.
Noah Bwalya and Tallen Prior capped off their respective varsity boys basketball careers Wednesday night as part of the ...
Regan Healy and Peyton Baldwin are accustomed to spending 90 minutes on car rides home from Rochester together before rushing onto the soccer field, racing to get ready ...