cQ,s 05 isÿjqkd' bkamiqj fk!ldfõ wjYH;d iïmQ¾K lr fuu fk!ldfõ ...
fuh È.ka ógr 15'3la jk w;r u.Ska 25la iy ld¾h kdúl fndaÜgq ;ekSfï wx.kfha kj ksmehqula jk ...
ysre fkdnisk wêrdcH úiska 1948 wdrlaIl wud;HdxYfha wkque;sh u; fmdÿ rdcH fmnrjdß ui 04 jk Èk Y%S ,xldjg fvdókshka uKav,hg wh;a rgla jk Y%S ,xldj ksfhdackh ksoyi m%odkh lrk ,È' hq. .Kkla mqrd lrñka ...
f,dlh ;=, md¿j rc lrjq fldfrdakd /l.kak kqU lem fj,d ...
bka§h iy Y%S ,xld taldnoaO kdúl wNHdihla 2022 fujr ihqreir ljrfha l;djg ud¾;= ui 26 jk Èk isg 29 osk olajd Y%S ,xldjg ngysr wod PdhdrEmh bkaÿ - ,xld kdúl uqyqfoa§ meje;aúKs' 2022 ud¾;= ui 23 jk Èk ...
Thd tlal ld,h ál ál .; fjoaoS weúoshs f.hs jfÜ ke,ú,s lshdf.k iu jhfia wksla wïud ;d;a;d lsh,d l:d wïñf. lg osyd fyd/yska n,df.k ÿl is;=ko mqxÑ is;g tajd lroaoS olsoaoS weismsh i,hs uqj.g lsß iskdf.k ...
Service and Sacrifice in Harm’s Way We always pay our gratitude and appreciation for the war heroes who sacrificed their lives at war within the period of three decades to ensure the sovereignty and ...
tu ruŒh b;ys difha tla lv= d wx.hla mu‚' 100 Rifles kï fhÿula ...
As per the recorded history, The Royal Navy explains why Sri Lanka has a Navy. has been in existence for more than 400 Understanding the need of a doctrine years and they have published their 05th and ...
dominates Asia. This ocean is the key to the seven area, but most of areas, it occurs due to global impacts seas in the twenty-first century, the destiny of the like foreign political and military ...
They Shall Grow Not Old Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force (SLVNF) has discharged its silent service as the main supplementary force to the Sri Lanka Navy to a greater extent since its inception. Further ...
lsÍu" udkqISh wdOdr ,nd §ug ys;lr fldkafoais bkaÈhdjg tlaùug kdhl;ajh ÿkafkah' tys ...