Der frühere EU-Kommissar Franz Fischler (ÖVP) ist mit seiner Partei hart ins Gericht gegangen. Er kritisierte die neue ...
Passengers who wanted to fly from Innsbruck to London were trapped at the airport for hours on a public holiday - the "Krone" ...
The first men's race of the new year is on the program today in Madonna di Campiglio with the floodlit slalom. The first run ...
Dass sich die ÖVP zum „Steigbügelhalter“ für einen Kanzler Kickl macht, könne vor allem jenen in der Partei nicht gefallen, ...
The fact that the ÖVP is making itself a "stirrup holder" for a Chancellor Kickl cannot please those in the party who ...
Media, Integration and Women's Affairs Minister Susanne Raab (ÖVP) is about to retire from top politics. According to the ...
Former EU Commissioner Franz Fischler (ÖVP) has come down hard on his party. He criticized the new rapprochement with the FPÖ ...
Wearers of the data glasses developed by Facebook parent company Meta together with Ray-Ban are supposed to "make the most of ...
Sie war Teil der Regierungsverhandlungen, die letztlich geplatzt sind, und verleiht in Oberösterreich der Wirtschaft die ...
She was part of the government negotiations that ultimately collapsed and lends her voice to the business community in Upper ...
In der Debatte über die Zugehörigkeit Grönlands reist Donald Trump Junior auf die Insel. Der Sohn des künftigen ...
Donald Trump Junior is traveling to the island as part of the debate over Greenland's membership. The son of the future US ...