Leone Alato, agri-food and wine-making holding of Generali, is the first Italian agricultural company to obtain approval of ...
Historic "climb" by Bergamo, which finally overcomes Covid and conquers first place in the 2024 Quality of Life ranking of ...
Terna ranks among the world leaders in sustainability, after being included in the S&P Global "Dow Jones Sustainability Index ...
New mothers will have a voucher of up to 1.000 euros available to them that they can use to reimburse babysitting and nursery ...
Furthermore, on the occasion of the Jubilee, Acea is installing other 14 Water Houses, two in the territory of the Vatican State and 12 in Rome, located along the Jubilee routes and near the main ...
With the arrival of Christmas, panettone increases in price, but continues to offer quality choices for all budgets. Here are ...
我们收到 e 我们发布 以下新闻稿由 ACEA. ACEA ha annunciato oggi, nella Sala San Pio X, in Vaticano, le iniziative e i progetti varati in ...
ACEA sosterrà anche il Giubileo degli Adolescenti, che tra il 25 e il 27 aprile, richiamerà nella Capitale oltre 100mila ...
استلمنا e ننشر البيان الصحفي التالي الصادر عن ACEA. ACEA ha annunciato oggi, nella Sala San Pio X, in Vaticano, le iniziative e i progetti varati in occasione dell’Anno Santo 2025. Durante l’incontro ...
Leone Alato, holding agroalimentare e vitivinicola di Generali, è la prima azienda agricola italiana ad ottenere ...