This beloved Netflix animation film follows Jesper, a student of the Postal Academy sent to live in a small village in the Arctic Circle where inhabitants never use letters. There, he meets a local ...
When it comes to music, a few have been able to traverse genres and make it palatable to the local audience. Aisha Retno is ...
Top off your sequinned party frocks with a vibrant festive lip this holiday season—we’ve got all the recommendations you ...
Our picks of the best Apple products to present as tech gifts this Christmas, including the Apple Watch Series 10 and iPad ...
In this chapter of our BURO Holiday Gift Guide, we’ve compiled the best beauty stocking stuffers to surprise your loved ones ...
Ameera Khan celebrated her 24th birthday with a soiree at Fred. She blew out the candles and made not one, not two, but five ...
From store openings to the must-visit festive events of the season, here are the beauty headlines you need to know this month ...
Boasting an array of advanced features at a price that belies its premium status, the C9 by JAECOO is poised to make waves in the Malaysian automotive market.
Welcome to the festive season! While the air is filled with joy and cheer, our calendars are filled with gatherings and plans. Whether you’re in for some last minute gift shopping, festive feasting, ...
Whether you’re with family, headed out to the hottest holiday parties or hoping to enter the new year feeling fresh, we’ve got the Christmas beauty guide for you. In this instalment of BURO’s Holiday ...