Of the 1,826 "zama zamas" or illegal miners arrested in the Vala Umgodi operation at the Buffelsfontein gold mine in ...
Mineral and Petroleum Resources Minister Gwede Mantashe said it was false to claim government refused to rescue zama zamas ...
The South African government spent just over R30 million retrieving suspects involved in illegal mining at the Buffelsfontein ...
The South African government spent just over R30 million retrieving suspects involved in illegal mining at the Buffelsfontein ...
Tshoaeli had resurfaced from Shaft 11 at the abandoned Buffelsfontein gold mine during Operation Vala Umgodi, a crackdown on illegal mining. Instead of being booked into custody, he vanished ...
Lepheana was trapped in Shaft 11 of the Buffelsfontein gold mine, which officially closed down in 2013, near a town called Stilfontein, two hours’ drive from Johannesburg; others were in Shaft 10, ...
Lesotho national, James ‘Tiger’ Tshwaeli, resurfaced from the abandoned shaft 11 at the Buffelsfontein Gold Mine during a government-led rescue operation but never made it to police holding cells.
James Neo Tshwaeli, also known as “Tiger,” reportedly escaped from custody after being rescued from an abandoned mine shaft at the Buffelsfontein gold mine. He remains the subject of a manhunt, with ...