Then he saw it in person. "Oh my God, it’s Buddy the Elf, the ax murderer," Ferrell said. The elf then recited one of Ferrell's quotes from the movie in an eerie, robotic voice. “Why don’t ...
Kanye West sees himself as Will Ferrell in Elf, just trying to make everyone happy ... "I am a creator and it's my responsibility." But instead of toys, Kanye makes sneakers.
It seems like not everyone cares that Buddy the Elf may be going through a midlife crisis. In December, Will Ferrell went viral ... “I told my wife, ‘Over the break, it would be funny if ...
Buddy seems to have fallen on some hard times. In an off-camera conversation, Ferrell apparently told Carrlyn Bathe of FanDuel TV that "it was a tough holiday season" and that he was looking for a ...
Will Ferrell recently told People ... We have seats right on the glass. I told my wife, ‘Over the break, it would be funny if I just got a Buddy the Elf costume and didn’t shave for a week ...
Sharing his own story, Big Red adds, "I was abandoned as a baby by my human parents, so I was forced to grow up at the North Pole ... You know what, I'm gonna skip ahead. It's Elf ... Oh no, it's not ...
Then he saw it in person. "Oh my God, it’s Buddy the Elf, the ax murderer," Ferrell said. Buddy the Elf meets animatronic Buddy the Elf. The elf then recited one of Ferrell's quotes from the ...