Even Will Ferrell understands the power of great bangs ... Happy to work on yours if you'd like; could do a fun little wave or a cute little flip." "Oh, no," says a perplexed Margot.
Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon are two of the biggest movie icons for millennials, and You're Cordially Invited finally ...
While I put off watching You’re Cordially Invited, after seeing these two have a time of their life on their press tour (which included TikTok dancing, of course), I gave it try. I’ll admit ...
During the interview, Colbert recalled the “meet cute” scene between Ferrell and Kidman’s characters while they are portraying Darrin and Samantha Stephens in the fictional remake of the ...
Will Ferrell once again made an appearance on his son's TikTok account, this time as part of the platform's emerging "Emergency Contact" trend. Because who better to help out in a crisis than ...