Lagunas, his attorney, former employees and others, made their case for the reopening of La Cantina during the time set aside for public comment at the City Council meeting Monday at City Hall.
In the fall, after the plovers migrate to the Atlantic and Gulf coasts in the United States, monitors help prepare the ...
Seven teams unranked in the preseason made the final Super 25. That’s a typical number most years. I always expected Marist ...
An unidentified man in his 70s was killed at a railroad crossing Friday afternoon, leading to extensive delays on Metra’s Milwaukee District North Line and Amtrak's Hiawatha service, which shares ... upgraded shares of Full House Resorts (NASDAQ:FLL – Free Report) from a sell rating to a hold rating in a research note published on Wednesday morning. Several other equities research ...
Allison’s family fried torta recipe took first place before a four-judge panel in the Future Chef contest for Waukegan ...
With board President Brandon Ewing and one-term member Adriana Gonzales not seeking reelection, two incumbents — Anita Hanna ...
Meetings also took place between the village, Gurnee School District 56, various sports organizations that use the fields and other stakeholders that will benefit from the revitalization effort.
Police and the Lake County Coroner are investigating the death of a woman found this weekend at a Waukegan home, authorities said. The coroner’s office identified her Wednesday as Amia Moore ...
Moderator Jeanne Kearby, far left, questions Waukegan mayoral candidates, from her left, Harold Beadling. Sam Cunningham, Keith Turner and Ann Taylor. (Steve Sadin/For the Lake County News-Sun ...