Foundation and Non-Profit Proposals are the same as standard proposals with one small difference. These types of sponsors often limit F&A and other costs. For more on when it is acceptable to budget a ...
Submit a completed PSR form and budget to your Proposal Analyst at least five business days before the direct sponsor's deadline. For a new, renewal, continuation or supplement proposal, PIs must send ...
Multi-project proposals are due in DRAFT format at least ten business days prior to the submission ... assigned CAS Research administrator seven full business days prior to the sponsor deadline. Draft ...
All sponsored project proposals and/or applications must be reviewed by Sponsored Projects prior to submission to the sponsor. The Sponsored Projects pre-award team assists the principal investigator ...
Any late proposal must be specifically endorsed by the applicable College Head (for e.g. Associate Dean for Research) before it will be submitted by ORI to the sponsor. If the late proposal is ...
Remember to contact your Research Administrator using the McCormick Proposal Intake Form as soon as you plan on submitting ... through CERES prior to Sponsored Research's submission to the sponsor.
In a table format, provide a budget request that ... Submission of a grant proposal for external funding to an external review service and then to an external sponsor. Convey the importance of this ...