Beneath our feet, hundreds of kilometers deep, lies an invisible yet essential world: the Earth's mantle. For a long time, ...
Under the Pacific Ocean, hidden material was discovered in Earth’s mantle. So we have sunken, ancient worlds down there, and ...
The mantle of the Earth, up to 1,800 miles (2,900 kms) thick and 84% of the Earth's volume, was assumed to be a simple ...
Scientists discovered plate anomalies in Earth's mantle using seismic wave analysis. These mysterious structures challenge ...
Scientists say they've discovered evidence of a "lost world" lurking deep below the Pacific Ocean, a surprising finding.
Motorola license plate scanners deployed in the U.S. have been found to be sharing vehicle details like make, color and registration online for all to see.
This column was adapted from the forthcoming “New Prize for These Eyes: The Rise of America’s Second Civil Rights Movement,” to be released on Jan. 14. As an author and journalist ...
The resurgence of the American labor movement is being led in no small part by a cohort of young, diverse, fired-up workers around the country. Union density remains embarrassingly low overall ...
Recent Fortnite movement changes have led to unintended comical deaths due to fall damage mechanics. Some players believe the new movement system is not ideal, specifically in Reload mode.