The Switch is an affordable option for gaming you can carry with you While the Wii U was a bit of a blunder, the Nintendo ...
Like any great game, the only way to improve it further is to add mods that can alter certain things, or add new elements to ...
Rage is a post-apocalyptic shooter with a long development, controversial decisions by Carmack and compromises for the sake ...
Nintendo Switch Online is a subscription service available on the Nintendo Switch that primarily exists to paywall online play, much like Xbox Live and PS Plus before it, but that's not all it offers.
Portal 2 has both a single-player campaign and a separate co-op campaign, and its co-op campaign is designed specifically for ...
Lark around with Loveander or flirt with Astarion behind your partner's back, here's a list of great games to play with your ...
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed. Find your next game ...