The first and second rounds of men’s and women’s NCAA tournaments converge in the Raleigh–Durham–Chapel Hill metro with big ...
Does having a degree pay off? Best Colleges analyzed Census data to determine the wage boost a college education provides in ...
Meyer said North Carolina hasn’t changed how it hires state employees since she began her career in the late 1980s. She’s led ...
NCDOT’s ultimate vision is to upgrade Capital Boulevard north of Intestate 540 to a freeway with no stoplights, no left turns ...
The North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings has reaffirmed the approval of Mission Health’s certificate-of-need ...
GOP event organizers call James Grant, who was convicted of assaulting a police officer, a ‘J6 Victim.’ He was pardoned by ...
A new study evaluates tolls as part of the Capital Boulevard Improvement Project between Interstate 540 in north Raleigh and ...
A Denver-based renewable energy investment firm has started construction on its 12th project in North and South Carolina. Onsite construction began on SolRiver Capital’s Longleaf Solar Project in ...
Start your week in #ncpol #ncga with the latest episode of The News & Observer’s Under the Dome politics podcast.
The annual report includes information on the number of students, teachers, and schools in North Carolina, and more.
Mayor Jones is also chair of the North Carolina Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO.) Because of the delay in construction Mayor Jones says CAMPO requested a toll study that will be ...
State Treasuer Brad Briner said he hopes a longer maximum maturity will lead more borrowers to use the state conduit instead ...