India’s school feeding program provides valuable lessons for Indonesia’s Free Nutritious Meal (Makan Bergizi Gratis) program.
Pavel Durov said Telegram has hit 1 billion users, rivaling WhatsApp.
Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, and other Meta veterans have reason to fear this tell-all from a former employee. Here's ...
Dhaka metro project could learn from the (negative and positive) experiences of the Delhi and Jakarta MRT projects ...
Why Indonesia's new military law is alarming pro-democracy activists and rights groups - Indonesia’s Parliament has ...
Legislators revised a law to allocate more civilian posts for military officers, a move that harked back to the era of the ...
A growing number of people in Indonesia’s capital have signed up for free tattoo removal services offered by an Islamic ...
Data is the oil of the 21st century, and Southeast Asia risks pumping its reserves into foreign tanks. The need for the ...
The top ten cities for food around the world have been named and one Deep South destination grabbed the top stop.
On February 22 and 23, the Japanese theater group Shindora returned to the stage with their latest musical, Kaneko Mama and ...
A mass iftar at Jakarta’s Istiqlal Grand Mosque, the largest in Southeast Asia, draws thousands every year during the Muslim ...
The nonprofit Bebali Foundation works with nearly 60 culturally distinct community groups in eastern Indonesia to keep alive their textile traditions and natural dyeing techniques.