Officials with Hunt Realty showed renderings for the new Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center site to City Manager Kimberly ...
One of North Texas' wealthiest developers has sent multiple letters to regional transportation leaders opposing a proposed ...
One of North Texas' wealthiest developers has sent multiple letters to regional transportation leaders opposing a proposed ...
Japanese high-speed bullet trains, suspended over a decoupling while in motion issue, resumed service Friday. East Japan ...
SNCF Voyageurs and Alstom have presented the interior design of the next-generation TGV INOUI, known as TGV M.
Starline is a grand plan for a Trans-European Transport Network of high-speed trains, the first project of 21st Europe, a new ...
Boasting the fourth-largest railway system in the world, following the US, Russia, and China, Indian Railways has embarked on an ambitious journey of modernisation ...
Just under half of fares are regulated in England, covering season tickets and some off-peak return tickets on long-distance routes as well as more flexible fares in and around cities. These rose by 4 ...
Right-wing populism thrives on scarcity. The answer is abundance. But a politics of abundance will work only if Democrats confront where their approach has failed.
Is there anything more exciting than stepping onto a train? The moment when you have one foot on a platform and the other on the ledge in the train door is a huge thrill. When the journey that awaits ...
China broke its own record for the world’s fastest train, clocking in at 281 miles per hour. But in Japan, testing is ...
With the demand for international travel growing, the new trains could not only reduce the time it takes to get to Europe but ...