Kosta will be at City Winery April 4 as part of the Boston Comedy Festival, doing a stand-up set that blends jokes about fast food in Russia, couples therapy, and the Olympics with a few political ...
When Christopher Walken showcased his brilliant dance moves in the song Weapon of Choice, no one was prepared for it. The Academy Award-winning actor was featured in the music video almost two decades ...
One of the show's best aspects is its reliance on celebrity hosts to join the cast and make us laugh every week. The best SNL ...
Christopher Nolan‘s upcoming film has by ... but he runs [it] like an indie film because he’s not doing it by committee, he’s not doing it by what the studio says,” Leguizamo said in ...
Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film has by no means ... but he runs [it] like an indie film because he’s not doing it by committee, he’s not doing it by what the studio says,” Leguizamo said in a recent ...
a bit of BGT-themed UK garage from DJ Grant and Joe and one very uncanny Simon Cowell impression from Max the Robot!