Okla., rolled out several bills aimed at countering Chinese influence and ownership in the U.S. as tensions grow.
Belt and Road initiative (BRI) is a massive plan which will lead to accelerated development, boost regional trade integration ...
Donald Trump has been upending the world order since his return to the White House in January. In the second instalment of a ...
Since 2013, when China launched its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), interest in the measure has been sharply divided.
The Chinese Communist Party's signature Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), once heralded as a transformative force in global ...
Through the Chinese government's Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese companies acquired or built major port facilities in 129 ...
China expanded its influence in the Indo-Pacific through diplomatic outreach, infrastructure investment, and coordinated ...
Beijing is responding to past international criticism and a domestic economic slowdown while offering a cost-effective tool ...
China is pressing ahead with its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects in Myanmar, an aggressive approach that analysts ...
China and Laos are moo-ving toward more sustainable cattle farming with a crossbreeding agreement that marks the first export ...
While China has been trying to expand its influence in Panama for years, as part of its broader ambition to increase its ...