In this week's Patch Tuesday Microsoft alerted users to, among other vulnerabilities, a flaw in Windows Installer that can be exploited by malware or a rogue user to gain SYSTEM-level privileges ...
If Windows Installer Service is missing or not available you can try our recommended solutions below in no particular order and see if that helps to resolve the issue. Enable Windows Installer ...
If you are one of those who like to know about the history of Windows or some of its underlying secrets, it is probably fair to say that this week has been a pretty good one for you, and if you ...
It has been two weeks since Windows 8 build 7955 leaked to the Internet. The particular image that leaked that day was an extracted install.wim combined with the Windows 7 installer, so the new ...
Microsoft's installation system for Windows. The installer, which is available in Visual Studio and other stand-alone programs, compresses the application into .MSI "package" files, and the ...
Add or Remove Programs entry for Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803). Update to the Microsoft Windows Installer that was originally packaged with Windows 2003 but them became available for other ...
When you run a Windows Update Offline Installer, if you receive an error message Installer encountered an error 0x8007000d, Data is invalid; then this post may be ...