Marchionne left the American market of Fiat and Chrysler and the new work organization to Stellantis while Tavares bet everything on the electric engine and short-term results but the bet did not work ...
Fonseca's dressing down of his team was not enough to give sprint to Milan who had to settle for a draw at San Siro with ...
La strigliata di Fonseca ai suoi non è bastata a dare sprint al Milan che deve accontentarsi del pareggio a San Siro con il Genoa. Peggio è andata alla Roma, sconfitta dal Como negli ultimi minuti. Il ...
Durante la semana de la Fed, las bolsas se mueven a dos velocidades: Europa cae con una fuerte caída del equipo Agnelli-Elkann y el Nasdaq está efervescente, coleccionando nuevos récords ...
Furthermore, on the occasion of the Jubilee, Acea is installing other 14 Water Houses, two in the territory of the Vatican State and 12 in Rome, located along the Jubilee routes and near the main ...
Leone Alato, agri-food and wine-making holding of Generali, is the first Italian agricultural company to obtain approval of ...
Historic "climb" by Bergamo, which finally overcomes Covid and conquers first place in the 2024 Quality of Life ranking of ...
Terna ranks among the world leaders in sustainability, after being included in the S&P Global "Dow Jones Sustainability Index ...
New mothers will have a voucher of up to 1.000 euros available to them that they can use to reimburse babysitting and nursery ...
正如人们普遍预期的那样,德国总理奥拉夫·肖尔茨并未获得议会的信任。继法国之后,德国也准备投票。日期已经确定:23月XNUMX日 德国总理奥拉夫·舒尔茨以207票赞成、394票反对、116票弃权落败议会信任投票。为了获得信任,肖尔茨必须获得至少 366 票。 肖尔茨向议会发表讲话 他在联邦议院发表讲话时表示, 奥拉夫·肖尔茨 根据德国议会第68条,本应请求信任。相反 他要求出于信任投票并参加提前选举 ...
Wie allgemein erwartet, hat Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz im Parlament kein Vertrauen gewonnen. Nach Frankreich bereitet sich auch Deutschland auf die Abstimmung vor. Der Termin steht bereits fest: der 23 ...