You might earn less when having cancer because you have to work fewer hours or stop working. You might also have extra expenses, such as heating costs. There are government benefits that you might ...
Bowel cancer screening can support cancer prevention and drive earlier diagnosis. Be Clear on Cancer (BCOC) campaigns were carried out to drive bowel screening uptake in England and Wales to support ...
Ear cancer is when abnormal cells in the ear start to grow and divide in an uncontrolled way. Most of these cancers start in the skin of the outer ear. Cancers that develop inside the ear, known as ...
Early phase clinical trials are carried out to find out how safe and how effective an intervention is. Early phase clinical trials often use new and experimental therapies which may offer patients ...
Donate your quality, pre-loved items or buy from our shops and online marketplaces. Every sale of your donated pre-loved items in our shops or on our online marketplaces helps to raise much needed ...
In 2019/20, 14,000 volunteers gave 3.1 million hours of their time and sold items totalling £15million. These funds are helping us start new clinical trials and research treatments as we speak. If you ...
In 2019/20, 14,000 volunteers gave 3.1 million hours of their time and sold items totalling £15million. These funds are helping us start new clinical trials and research treatments as we speak. If you ...
Before surgery, you have tests to check your fitness and you meet members of your treatment team. You usually go into hospital on the morning of your operation. The length of your hospital stay ...
Start 2025 with a refreshing dip in the sea and join us on new years day for a Dook, all fundraising proceeds are on behalf of Cancer Research UK. The Dook is always a real fundraising highlight and ...
We are working with Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust to produce national standardised SACT regimen-specific consent forms. We want to support clinicians in ensuring all patients are fully ...
Bowel cancer means cancer that starts in the large bowel (colon) and the back passage (rectum). It is also known as colorectal cancer. Your treatment depends on where the cancer starts in your bowel.