Audi is using a virtual programmable logic controller from Siemens on the Edge Cloud 4 Production (EC4P) platform in the body ...
Built on the Premium Platform Combustion (PPC), the new Audi A5 is welcoming additional members to its family. Alongside the ...
Mit einer Systemleistung von bis zu 270 kW bietet der Audi A5 Avant e-hybrid quattro ein sportlich-komfortables Fahrerlebnis mit viel Platz für Flexibilität im Alltag und eine Serienausstattung auf ...
With a system output of up to 270 kW, the Audi A5 Avant e-hybrid quattro offers a sporty and comfortable driving experience as well as plenty of space for everyday flexibility and a high level of ...
With the Audi A5, Audi is continuing its history of success in the mid-size segment: thirty years after the first Audi A4, the latest generation is now called the Audi A5. Both body variants, Sedan ...
Mit dem Audi A5 knüpft Audi an seine erfolgreiche Geschichte in der Mittelklasse an: 30 Jahre nach dem ersten Audi A4 heißt die jüngste Generation jetzt Audi A5. Beide Karosserievarianten, Limousine ...
Mit der neuen Audi A5 Familie fahren in Neckarsulm die ersten Modelle auf Basis der Premium Platform Combustion (PPC) mit teilelektrifizierten Antrieben und neuer Elektronikarchitektur vom Band. Die ...
In their quest for perfect accuracy, body shop workers at Audi often use fine shims to adjust equipment by tenths of a millimeter. “Agile shimming”, which is used on the two-way framer at the Audi ...
The Audi Group is one of the most successful manufacturers of automobiles and motorcycles in the premium and luxury segment. The brands Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini, and Ducati produce at 21 locations ...