The countdown is on to what is perhaps Europe's most important election of this year. On February 23, Germans go to the polls ...
The German parliament narrowly rejected on Friday a bill sponsored by conservatives and the far right calling for stricter ...
Despite his collaboration with far-right AfD party, Merz fails to gain majority in parliament for his anti-immigration ...
The decline in European production is accelerated by a trend known as 'local for local', which sees carmakers, such as German brands, increasingly produce their cars and source their supplies in the ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz warned Wednesday that the initiative launched by the head of the conservative opposition and ...
Die Russen greifen weite Teile der Ukraine in der Nacht mit Drohnen an. Das schreibt die ukrainische Luftwaffe auf Telegram. Von den russischen Luftangriffen betroffen sind demnach die Regionen ...
Ein Gericht in Usbekistan hat einen 39-jährigen Mann wegen seiner Teilnahme am Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine zu vier Jahren und zwei Monaten Freiheitsbeschränkung verurteilt. Das berichtet ...