Mit seiner Zollpolitik und dem damit einhergehenden Wirtschafts-Chaos hat US-Präsident Donald Trump das Interesse der ...
Donald Trump has piqued European leaders’ interest in currency markets. After the euro jumped against the dollar, French ...
After the November election, investors overwhelmingly favored the US, largely considering it the only game in town for ...
The dollar hit a three-week high against the euro and gained on the yen on Wednesday as traders awaited an announcement from ...
Europe has long prided itself on strong data protection and regulatory frameworks. The GDPR set the standard for privacy ...
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Euro zone banks are resilient but need to be prepared to handle geopolitical shocks and macro-financial ...
The FA wanted a current player on the board to help with the tournament's preparations and Mings is now set be appointed.
Der Zukauf der Berlin Hyp macht sich für die LBBW bezahlt. Im vergangenen Jahr hat die Landesbank-Tochter einen Gewinn von ...
French videogame maker Ubisoft said on Thursday it has set up a subsidiary in which China's Tencent will invest 1.16 billion ...
"I felt tension and pressure on the shoulders of the players," Tuchel said on Thursday. "They were more afraid." ...
Manchester United midfielder Bruno Fernándes is reportedly a surprise target for Real Madrid at the end of the ...