BJP New Delhi seat candidate Parvesh Verma on Wednesday launched “Har Ghar Naukari” (job for every household) campaign, promising jobs to the youth of the constituency currently held by AAP supremo ...
From the economic viability of One Nation, One Election to the number of Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) required for such a ...
While BJP members batted for the 'one nation, one election' proposal, saying it is in the interest of the country, a Congress member said the idea is against the basic fabric of the Constitution, and ...
It will be court’s opinion versus the legislative power to enact law, the Supreme Court on Wednesday said as it posted the ...
On Wednesday, advocate Prashant Bhushan requested the three-judge Supreme Court bench that the matter be heard urgently given ...
As part of the survey, News18 interviewed a total of 4,573 people across 29 states and union territories of India, with 508 from the central parts, 713 from the east, 1,270 from the north, 602 from ...
The government decided to increase the committee's strength from 31 to 39, as more political parties expressed their desire to be part of the exercise ...
The parliamentary panel constituted to scrutinise the two bills on simultaneous elections held its first meeting on Wednesday, with BJP members lauding the concept, and opposition MPs questioning it.
Around 81.7% from the central parts of India, 75.5% from the east, 80.2% from the north, 60.6% from the north-east, 63% from the south and 63.8% from the south-west responded to in the affirmative ...
London: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla visited the Dr Ambedkar Museum in London on Tuesday and called it a "profound tribute" to ...