SiriusPoint Ltd., a global specialty insurer and reinsurer, announced today a new strategic partnership with one of the largest independent insurance brokerages in the United States, Holmes Murphy.
In life, there is a far too common belief that you only need the minimum amount of insurance money to get by. Unfortunately, ...
Understanding how car insurance fraud works can help you avoid falling victim to a scam. Here’s what you need to know.
Great news for U.S. users, NordProtect is now available as a standalone product and includes some new features.
Even casual or low-earning side hustles may need business insurance to protect themselves, their customers, and their finances.
Standard homeowners insurance provides essential protection. However, it may not provide enough liability coverage. If an ...
A payroll tax liability-responsibility shift from umbrellas to agencies dangerously throws the baby out with the bathwater. It must be stopped.
The decrease in lawsuits has private insurers willing to take on risk-prone areas in South Florida long left to the state's ...
Changing home insurance providers might be warranted when your premium keeps climbing while your coverage stays the same.
A side hustle can boost your income, but a mistake or accident can cost you everything. A tax expert reveals the 1 smart move ...