But on a warm afternoon in December, 77 of these animals were captured near the town of Alpine and hauled back home to build ...
The success of Jane Kallaway's award-winning farm is down to a love of the land and admiration for her animals ...
J. S. Bach’s most famous arias, “Schafe könne sicher weiden” (Sheep may safely graze) projects safety for the governed ...
Preliminary data from the Kootenays has also shown no effect from hunting on bighorn sheep horn size. Corrections have been made to the story and the headline has been changed to better reflect ...
"It's beginning to feel like the Wild West up here when it comes to sheep crime - it's soul-destroying," says farmer Colin Abel, scanning his flock high up on west Dartmoor farmland. This winter ...
110.3 x 162.3 x 64.1 cm. (43.4 x 63.9 x 25.2 in.) ...
The Hempstead Road pub near the town hall and West Herts College was most recently known as Avabar, but had a long history under the name it will be taking on when it reopens (with a target of next ...
Some breeds are large, such as the Suffolk, which can weigh more than 250 pounds for ... depending on the breed. Some sheep have horns — both rams and ewes — while others do not, meaning that they are ...
Independent charity Suffolk Libraries has run the service since 2012, which now has 45 locations. Suffolk County Council said the charity had proposed unacceptable terms for the new contract and ...
It was a big few days of judging as about 420 head of beef cattle and 250 sheep went under the watchful eye of a team of judges. Journalist based in Wagga Wagga covering all things agriculture in ...
A horror virus spread by midges wiped out 92 newborn lambs on an Ayrshire farm, it’s emerged. Dundonald farmer Michael Goldie saw nearly two-thirds of his 152 lambs killed last month by the ...