Yield signs on North Kimberly Avenue near the Cornish Pump will be changed to stop signs under a traffic control order approved Monday by Iron Mountain City Council. The change will affect northbound ...
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - On Tuesday at 4:20 p.m., two crashes on I-25 near Uintah caused major backups, and all of ...
Here’s your daily look at traffic on major highways in the Kansas City area. This article is being continuously updated.
Corporation announced Wednesday the temporary closure of two northbound lanes at Marilao Interchange Bridge due to a road ...
Significant progress has been made in controlling the brush fire in Miami-Dade County, allowing authorities to begin slowly ...
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) will have lane and ramp closures across three major highways near ...
This phase of the MDOT project, estimated to cost $205 million, started last year with construction on northbound US-127.
The new span of the Howard Frankland Bridge is expected to open to drivers Tuesday morning, according to the Florida Department of Transportation. The new bridge will feature four toll-free lanes ...
LA 1031 in Livingston Parish will undergo traffic signal work starting March 24 at 8:00 PM, with road closures affecting wide ...
The northbound and southbound Gaviota Rest Areas on US 101 will be temporarily closed during the overnight hours beginning Monday, March 17 through Friday, March 28 from 10 pm to 6 am. There will be ...
WSDOT contractors will be installing overhead sign bridges and toll gantry structures that hold the toll collection equipment ...