Famitsu is Japan's most-established line of video game magazines, having been in publication since the '80s. Famitsu is ...
"I believe Tifa’s good qualities are the combination of her character, expressions, voice, movements, combat abilities and ...
Almost 30 years ago, the developers of Final Fantasy 7 wanted to do something that wouldn't be possible until the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy.
Reuther’s apparent first instinct was to let a “seasoned American colleague” direct the remake, with Rhames’ management purportedly convincing him otherwise. That turns out to have been a ...
HBO's upcoming reboot of Harry Potter finally has a confirmed cast member – and it’s none other than the headmaster of Hogwarts, Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Six-time ...
A web application for exploring the Final Fantasy VII Remake script. It offers a clean and responsive UI with dark mode support and adjustable font sizing, allowing users to easily navigate through ...
Final Fantasy UB set introduces Jumbo Cactuar with +9,999 power - breaking MTG's power limit. Jumbo Cactuar combos can one-shot players across different formats; a potential game-changer.
Titled Magic: The Gathering - Final Fantasy, according to a news release it will include “the largest collection of Final Fantasy artwork ever in a single game, drawing from across the franchise.” ...
Prior to Polygon, she worked at publications such as The Verge. Final Fantasy is the next great collaboration coming to Magic: The Gathering. While this new set featuring characters and settings ...