Walter White’s character ... As Skyler and Walt Jr. call the police, Walt, in just 1 phone call, absolves Skyler from all of his criminal activities and takes the blame on himself.
Vince Gilligan, who created one of the most iconic villains of all time in Walter White, is calling for creators to make more "old fashioned" heroes to contrast the real world "where bad guys ...
Breaking Bad's sequel movie, El Camino, did something that nothing else in the franchise — not even Better Call Saul — was ...
How do they compare to the white schools? (children yelling and calling) So the project was to document this thing as a prelude to attacking it through the courts. ♪ ♪ NARRATOR: Walter White ...
The 'Breaking Bad' creator said in now looking back at Walter White, "I think I'd rather be ... that he was going to “go political” before calling on Hollywood to give more attention to ...
They called it the National Association for the ... KENNETH MACK, PROFESSOR OF LAW: Walter White makes the NAACP into a national player. KIDADA WILLIAMS, HISTORIAN: The NAACP and Walter White ...