When there is reversal of flow in a patent ductus arteriosus, there are, as a necessary part of the picture, hypertension in the pulmonary artery and marked increase in pulmonary vascular resistance.
After the FDA approved both combination macitentan/tadalafil (Opsynvi) and the biologic therapy sotatercept (Winrevair) for ...
Increasing average concentrations of sotatercept improved 6-minute walk distance, pulmonary vascular resistance, and levels ...
It may be difficult to determine which of these many factors are responsible for the pulmonary hypertension in an individual patient, so each factor should be considered and investigated.
Keros Therapeutics has halted dosing in two of the three treatment arms of a phase 2 trial of its pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) drug after receiving reports of fluid buildups around the heart.
MSD has received the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approval for sotatercept, marketed as ...