The Amazing Kreskin, the renowned mentalist who had his own TV program, inspired a John Malkovich movie and (perhaps) a Johnny Carson character and performed hundreds of live shows a year, died ...
The Amazing Kreskin with a Kreskin’s ESP board game. Denver Post via Getty Images “People who come because they’ve seen me on television inherently know they’re not coming just to watch ...
In 1966, Milton Bradley introduced “Kreskin’s ESP,” a board game that claimed to show players how to develop extrasensory perception, which he defined as “the ability to send or receive ...
In 1966, the game maker Milton Bradley released Kreskin’s ESP, which included a “mystery pendulum” to assess the players’ psychic powers. From 1970 to 1975, he hosted “The Amazing World ...
In the 1960s, Milton Bradley put out a board game called Kreskin’s ESP — tagline: “Do you have extra sensory perception?” The game had a “mystery pendulum” whose movement could provide ...
George Joseph Kresge Jr., who was known to generations of TV watchers as the mesmerizing entertainer and mentalist The Amazing Kreskin, has died at age 89.
He knew his way around a deck of cards and even had his own Milton Bradley board game. Kreskin’s ESP, which arrived in stores in 1966, employed a “Mystery Pendulum” to test the psychic ...
The mind-probing performer known as the Amazing Kreskin, whose self-professed abilities to pick up mental waves made him a staple of nightclubs and talk shows for decades and possibly helped ...
The Amazing Kreskin, the renowned mentalist who had his own TV program, inspired a John Malkovich movie and (perhaps) a Johnny Carson character and performed hundreds of live shows a year, died ...