But now, on "The Acolyte" Episode 3, the studio has done just that -- sort ... but this is a clear allusion to Qui-Gon sampling Anakin's (Jake Lloyd) blood and analyzing it for his midi-chlorian ...
At first, I wondered if the idea was that the entire episode 3 story was fake ... doing the right thing and “saving” force miracle Anakin and getting him trained even though he was too ...
That was a lot to digest in episode 3 of The Acolyte ... It is very similar to the way the Jedi tested Anakin Skywalker in The Phantom Menace. The Jedi take a blood sample for a midichlorian ...
Here’s the leaked Battlefront 3 scene where Luke connects ... For those who don’t, it’s the place where Anakin and Obi-Wan duel at the end of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
"I saw a breakdown that showed the Clone Wars episode when Tup’s chip broke. Tup looked right past Anakin to the other Jedi. Maybe Palps worked in an immunity thing for Anakin," speculates one fan.
Everything Anakin does in the film as a boy is irrelevant to the wider plot. All characters who pass over to Episode II are also re-introduced along with their motives. The list goes on.
Lanter portrayed Anakin Skywalker in 95 episodes of The Clone Wars, which charted Anakin's exploits in the titular conflict between the events of Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith ...