Malayalam filmmaker Shafi died on Sunday. The 56-year-old had suffered a stroke earlier this month and had been hospitalised ...
Malayalam filmmaker Shafi passed away at 56. Several actors such as Prithviraj Sukumaran and Chiyaan Vikram, paid their ...
Rasheed M H, affectionately known as Shafi, passed away on January 26 at the age of 54. He had been undergoing treatment ...
Rasheed M H, fondly known as Shafi, was undergoing treatment after suffering a stroke on January 16 and remained in critical ...
He delivered multiple hits such as 'Kalyana Raman', 'Two Countries', 'Pulival Kalyanam', 'Chattambinadu', 'Thommanum Makkalum ...
Renowned Malayalam filmmaker Shafi, known for hits like Kalyanaraman and Pulival Kalyanam, passed away at 56 on Sunday. He ...
South celebrities including Chiyaan Vikram, Prithviraj Sukumaran and others pay tribute to Malayalam filmmaker Shafi.
Renowned Malayalam director Shafi, known for his hit films, passes away at 56 after battling a brain hemorrhage.
Filmmaker Shafi, known for bringing laughter to Malayali audiences through his popular films, passed away at a private ...
Malayalam filmmaker Shaif passed away at 56. Several actors such as Prithviraj Sukumaran and Chiyaan Vikram, paid their ...